A Unique Interactive Experience.

Hold a coin from the first century!
Smell frankincense and myrrh!
Feel a roman scourge!
See pages of a bible from 1549!
Examine a bible from 1722!
Replica pots, coins, slings and more.
The purpose of this exhibition...
is to give opportunity for the general public, schools, churches and youth clubs to explore the world’s best selling book, the Bible, in a relaxed environment.
The Bible Exhibition is designed to be informative and interesting, with a wide variety of detail about the Bible's history. There is information about the canonisation, copying and printing of the Bible, as well as facts about the men and women who were martyred so that we can have a copy of the English translation of the Word of God to hold in our hands today. The exhibition also outlines great themes and messages that have shaped our culture, as well as highlighting the most important, central message of the Bible, relevant to every single person on the planet!

The Bible Exhibition has several zones...
The Bible and Australia - its history in Australia and impact on our culture.
The Bible - its writing and development, structure, time lines, history, printing, martyrs…
The God of the Bible - the Trinity, the nature and character of Deity, the Incarnation.
The Wonders of the Bible - amazing hidden scientific facts, prophecy becoming history, the internal evidence of Divine authorship.
The Gospel of the Bible - Gospel chart from the Fall to Eternity. Christ rejected, risen and returning.
Artefacts Display - authentic ancient Bible pages from 1549 Matthews , 1603 Geneva, 1613 King James, 1706 Luther bibles. Authentic & replicas display of ancient items eg Roman Legionnaire, Roman Scourge, Roman coins and much more.
The Uniqueness of the Gospel - Love, Grace, Equality, Substitution, New Birth.
Future Prophecy Chart - The dispensations of God, the rapture of saints and the return of Christ
The challenge of the Gospel - is it true? What then? Questions I must ask? Reading the Bible.
Guided tours are available, or feel free to simply explore the exhibition at your own time and pace.
For larger groups and school bookings, please use the booking form. Book early to avoid disappointment. For further queries or help with bookings, contact Dawn 0434727172 or Bryan 0434727171

Len Walker

Bryan & Dawn
We should introduce ourselves - Bryan and Dawn Stewart. We are Christians who gather unto the name of the Lord Jesus in local testimony at Devon Park, Adelaide, South Australia. We serve the Lord full-time in evangelical work, traveling throughout Australia with our Gospel work, but our main focus is in SA, mainly the Fleurieu Peninsula.
Our activities are carried out in fellowship with our local assembly and other likeminded believers. However, our gospel service is not affiliated or sponsored by any individual assembly/church or organisation. Our children, Kerrie (25) and Jack (24), are also very involved in our work.
Bryan has a background in marketing and Dawn was a teacher until they left employment to serve the Lord full-time in 2014.
ALL that we do is FREE and freely available to ALL.